Re: GMail plugin extension

2010/9/7 Adi J. Sieker <adi sieker info>:
> Hello,
> I just pushed an update to the GMail plugin to
> git://
> The plugin now downloads all data and the contact leaf now provides a
> content source,
> which contains most data from the contact. Currently that's all email
> addresses as an EmailContact,
> all phone numbers, postal addresses and IM account's as TextLeafs.
> All feedback welcome
> Regards
>   Adi

Hi Adi,

In general, it's a good idea. However as it is now, this change
conflicts with contacts grouping (since grouping uses the contents
"slot" to show the contacts grouped together); this patch does away
with grouping all together of course (no longer using EmailContact).
So there is no direct conflict, but it needs to be explicitly
addressed somehow. It doesn't mean that this can't be solved, or that
this information could not be exposed in a different way.

If you don't mind, the code review reads like this: The commit log
message must adhere to git standards (the first line must not be
longer than 60-70 letters ideally). The patch also has some whitespace
problem (git diff  should highlight these, if you have git configured
for color, else use git diff --check); and get_items is better written
as a generator.


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