Kupfer and Python 2.6

Hi all,

At the moment Kupfer requires either Python 2.5 or Python 2.6. I want
to move Kupfer to supporting only Python 2.6 in the future, and I'm
going to explain why -- so if you have anything against this as a
Kupfer user or contributor, please come into discussion, there is
nothing definite about this.

Python 2.6 is already old, so it should not be a controversial move,
and I expect most distributions already use it. The change will
happen first when Debian, the distribution I use, supports Python2.6
and Kupfer's important dependencies (gtk, glib, wnck) on Python2.6.
This will happen soon, hopefully.

The reason to explicitly exclude Python2.5 is the future is
forward-compatibility. Kupfer is NOT stale, rigid or old -- rather, I
think its codebase uses modern and sane Python. With Python 2.6, we
can use some features or new idioms from Python 3, which will make
Kupfer much more ready for Python 3, which I hope will be possible
sooner rather than later (no bets on when Debian will support it


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