Re: [jokosher-devel] [PATCH] partial fix for Bug #85938 by Tobias Langenbucher

Hello Tom,

On 06/09/07, Tom Halligan <tom halligan gmail com> wrote:
Hello! I've been lurking a while, but thought I should comment on this.

I have also been working slowly on this bug, but haven't had as much time to work on it as I thought I would. I have the following working with varying degrees of success:
1) Copying a selection of event(s): Works pretty much flawlessly.
2) Cutting a selection of event(s): Works, but has a few bugs which make it barely usable.
3) Delete a seection of event(s): Works fine, as far as I can tell.

The main issues are to do with copying. All of the above work from both the right-click context menu, and the Edit menu which is implemented in

To get them working I've needed to create a new Clipboard class (, because it will allow better clipboard management, and makes actually using the clipboard a little easier.

The real issue is that the code for manipulating events is implemented multiple times - when really both the edit menu and the context menu should just call the same methods, for usability and intuitiveness' sake. This is more or less what much of the time has been spent on, trying to organise the various implementations to at least resemble each other.

Like I said - much of what I've done so far 'works', but is pretty buggy in its current state. I'll be glad to send my patch to you so you can see what I've done - it just isn't particularly usable in its current state.

I'd be inclined to stick the patch up for people to have a look at it somewhere. If you don't have hosting then just mail it or attach it in launchpad and one of the lead devs will no doubt take a look at it and comment on it. Don't be shy though, most folks don't bite!


BTW, is it just me or has everyone else got a butt-load of emails just land in their inbox?


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