Re: [jokosher-devel] [PATCH] VU-meter for monitoring input on each Instrument (bug #70351)

Question for Gstreamer people:
Is there anyway to do this *without* blocking other programs from using the alsasrc device while we passively monitor the level?

Knut Erik Teigen wrote:

I wanted to learn some gstreamer to better understand what goes on beneath the scenes in Jokosher, and ended up with this: I've created a gstreamer pipeline for each InstrumentViewer that listens for input and displays the peak and decay in a small VUMeter,
like this:
The visual style is equal to the VUWidget in the MixerStrip (some redundancy here, that I might clean up later), only with an added
line to indicate the decay level.
The VUMeter only gets updated when the track is armed, and is not visible in the small view.
Hope you like it, I'm leaving for a two-week vacation tomorrow, so it 
might be a while until I can answer questions or fix bugs...:)
Knut Erik Teigen

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