[jokosher-devel] Change in file format / how to keep using your old project files

Once again I have broken loading loading of old project files. I changed the project VERSION variable to "0.2", and so now it will refuse to open the ones that are marked "0.1". However if you change the variable back, 0.1 project still won't load because of the changes in the undo stack which were required to fix the security vulnerability.

If you really want to keep a project convert it to a text file:
gunzip -c myfile.jokosher > myfile

Then open the project in a text editor and change:
<JokosherProject version="0.1">
<JokosherProject version="0.2">

Then find the part like:

and change it to:

Now just gzip the file again and your project will work.

P.S. Would it be worth while to make an extension that automatically does these instructions with a python script, thus allowing people to convert their project files, or does no one actually use v0.1?


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