Re: [jokosher-devel] Initiation script naming

Tim Sheridan wrote:
Hey guys,

Could the file name of the Jokosher initiation script be changed from
'jokosher' to something else (perhaps ''?) that will allow
it to coexist with the 'Jokosher' directory when stored on a
non-case-sensitive file system; I'd like to be able to carry round a
copy of the SVN tree on my USB flash drive (VFAT formatted), but
presently I'm unable to do so.

The reason for this is that we when you install jokosher using the script, we want the launcher to by /usr/bin/jokosher and not /usr/bin/Jokosher. Naming it would make it necessary to type everytime you wanted to launch it from the command line.

As we are entering a freeze, there will be no file naming changes, or editing of the script. You should probably ask again after release on Nov. 20th.


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