Re: [jokosher-devel] Art Team

dan itsawisechild com wrote:
I also like the idea of a gallery page of sorts. Does anyone have software in mind? Also, I have some server space to host it if we don't want to use
Why not just use the Wiki to organise the artwork visually? It seems like a good enough place to put it all, just using the attachment feature. Why not set up a global Art team account for adding to the Wiki page? If you're talking about a gallery to showcase to the public, then yes, gallery software would be needed, and you can ignore all I just said.

Those of you who don't know me, I'm Moitio on the LUGRadio forums/#lugradio IRC, I've written the Jokosher Wikipedia article, and I sat in on the 2nd of half of Jokosher BOF for research purposes for the Wikipedia article. For further questions, ask Adam Sweet about the guy who kicked his ass on ET during LRL. I expect you receive much "praise" and "consideration" on my part (and "he can eat my ass") =D.

Cheers, Tom Moitie

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