Iestyn Pryce wrote:
I'll help with the Swedish translations.On 24/07/06, Jono Bacon <jonobacon gmail com> wrote:* Translations - Translations are important for Jokosher, and Elleo has written some code to make it happen, and is keen to look over this. I think we should investigate Launchpad as a means of getting translations and plugging them into Jokosher.I'll try and help with some kind of translation, I missed the BOF, but talked to nibil (sorry can't remember ILR name) about translation on the saturday night. You may want to look into something like Kartouche ( for the translation stuff, it's under the GPL where launchpad is not. It's a web frontend which allows people to suggest tranlations, and is currently used to translate a bunch of the KDE stuff into Welsh ( Whatever you do with the tranlations, I look forward to helping out with the Welsh translation. Regards, Iestyn Pryce aka dylunio --------------------- _______________________________________________ jokosher-devel-list mailing list jokosher-devel-list gnome org // Oscar |