Re: [jokosher-devel] Planning 0.2

Stephen Thorne wrote:
As a python programmer who'd like to hack on jokosher, the first thing I noted when I checked it out from subversion was the rather non-standard
> file-naming and odd style.
Nice file structure might be nice, but is it really that important?

For 0.2, it'd be nice to have a clear, and rigerously followed, project
> styleguide published. Currently there's some source that uses tabs, some
uses spaces ( and are pure-space) and
> capitalisation doesn't follow PEP-8's guidelines.
Actually, is just a debugging tool and not part of the code. is just a demonstration and doesn't really belong in SVN 
anyway. I am pretty sure I have made sure there are spaces in all the 
As for capitalisation, is there really a "right" way to do it?


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