[jokosher-devel] [PATCH] import selection of audio

This patch will eventually add the ability to select the amount of audio
the user wishes to import in minutes and seconds. At the moment, only
the gui is done. The gui looks acceptable but it probably could look

Index: EventLaneViewer.py
--- EventLaneViewer.py	(revision 1014)
+++ EventLaneViewer.py	(working copy)
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@
 		self.messageID = None
+		# audio length example
+		self.alength = 1760
@@ -275,6 +277,27 @@
+	def ExpanderClicked(self, expander, param_spec):
+		if expander.get_expanded():
+			expander.set_label(_("Show Fewer Options"))
+		else:
+			expander.set_label(_("Show More Options"))
+	#_____________________________________________________________________
+	def SpinTotals(self, mspin, sspin):
+		seconds = sspin.get_value_as_int()
+		minsec = mspin.get_value_as_int() * 60
+		total = minsec + seconds
+		return total
+	#_____________________________________________________________________
+	def ChangedSpinValues(self, dlg, mspin, sspin):
+		filename = dlg.get_filename()
+		if filename:
+			pass
+	#_____________________________________________________________________
 	def CreateEventFromFile(self, evt):
@@ -290,21 +313,74 @@
 		dlg = gtk.FileChooserDialog(_("Import file..."), action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, buttons=buttons)
-		dlg.set_extra_widget(copyfile)
+		tlabel = gtk.Label(_("Length of audio to be imported:"))
+		tlabel.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
+		minutes = self.alength / 60
+		seconds = self.alength - (minutes * 60)
+		# minutes spin button, label and vbox
+		mvbox = gtk.VBox()
+		mlabel = gtk.Label(_("Minutes"))
+		mspin = gtk.SpinButton()
+		mspin.set_increments(1, 5)
+		mspin.set_range(1, minutes)
+		mspin.set_value(minutes)
+		mvbox.pack_start(mlabel, False, False)
+		mvbox.pack_start(mspin, False, False)
+		# seconds spin button, label and vbox	
+		svbox = gtk.VBox()
+		slabel = gtk.Label(_("Seconds"))
+		sspin = gtk.SpinButton()
+		sspin.set_increments(1, 5)
+		sspin.set_range(1, seconds)
+		sspin.set_value(seconds)
+		svbox.pack_start(slabel, False, False)
+		svbox.pack_start(sspin, False, False)
+		# time hbox
+		thbox = gtk.HBox()
+		thbox.set_spacing(12)
+		thbox.set_border_width(6)
+		thbox.pack_start(tlabel, False, False)
+		thbox.pack_start(mvbox, False, False)
+		thbox.pack_start(svbox, False, False)
+		# exapnder widget
+		exp = gtk.Expander(_("Show More Options"))
+		exp.connect("notify::expanded", self.ExpanderClicked)
+		exp.add(thbox)
+		exp.show_all()
 		vbox = gtk.VBox()
 		audiopreview = AudioPreview()
 		vbox.pack_start(audiopreview, True, False)
+		# copyfile and expander widget are packed inside exvbox which will be the extra widget for the dialog
+		exvbox = gtk.VBox()
+		exvbox.set_border_width(6)
+		exvbox.set_spacing(6)
+		exvbox.pack_start(copyfile, False, False)
+		exvbox.pack_start(exp, False, False)
+		dlg.set_extra_widget(exvbox)
+		dlg.set_use_preview_label(False)
-		dlg.set_use_preview_label(False)
 		dlg.connect("selection-changed", audiopreview.OnSelection)
+		dlg.connect("selection-changed", self.ChangedSpinValues, sspin, mspin)
 		response = dlg.run()
 		if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+			# the total amount in seconds for both spin buttons
+			total = self.SpinTotals(mspin, sspin)
 			#stop the preview audio from playing without destorying the dialog

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