You can use webpack, which will give you ES6 imports and UMD, take a look at how it was done in this project (you can skip the babel configuration in the gulpfile if not needed).Thanks.El vie., 9 de nov. de 2018 8:22 a. m., Andrea Giammarchi via _javascript_-list <_javascript_-list gnome org> escribió:if you are familiar with CommonJS, I suggest you to use cgjsit's not really a 1:1 nodejs replica when it comes to core modules, but at least it doesn't require you to learn a module system that only GJS uses and that will inevitably fade away as soon as ES2015 static, or even dynamic import, will be introduced.Feel free to see the circus around configuring folders and imports otherwise directly via GJS._______________________________________________On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 5:18 PM Tony Houghton <h realh co uk> wrote:gjs has attracted my attention, but the tutorials and examples are rather simple so I can't work out what you're supposed to do to make an application with multiple source files. Do you have to write a script to concatenate them in the right order, orÂ_______________________________________________can you use _javascript_'s import keyword?--TH
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