Re: cgjs VS cgj + esm progress

On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 5:00 AM Andrea Giammarchi <andrea giammarchi gmail com> wrote:
I know CGJS progress is quite slow, I've been busy with other projects, but I wonder if it's possible to know what's the actual ESM status in GJS in general.

It would be awesome to be able to use just `import module from "./file.js"` in GJS so that I can make CGJS also compatible with published ESM which start appearing in npm.

Thanks in advance for any sort of update about this.

Best Regards

P.S. the global process just landed in core

Hi Andrea,

Nothing has happened with this yet.

I would welcome some help. I think enough of ES6 modules are implemented in SpiderMonkey 52 that it should be possible to get a proof of concept working.

Philip C

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