An utility to quickly introspect GJS exposed namespaces

The cgjs/utilities experiment became a quite useful stand alone utility to introspect at runtime GJS classes and gi avaliable namespaes.

More details here:

You can install it via `npm install -g cgjs-about` and then try one of these commands:

cgjs-about gi                 # show all namespaes
cgjs-about gi.Gio             # show all gi.Gio info
cgjs-about Gio                # same as above
cgjs-about Gtk.Button         # show Gtk.Button class info
cgjs-about GLib.utf8_validate # show utf8_validate info
cgjs-about GLib enums         # show GLib enums

  --json                      # print JSON output
  --no-arguments              # print JSON without arguments info

If something is missing or wrong, or it can be improved, please let me know.


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