Apparently, the latest GJS warns about "stuff" even if executed through GJS_DISABLE_EXTRA_WARNINGS=1 flag.

Gjs-Message: JS WARNING: [/app/lib/jsgtk/jsgtk_modules/jsgtk/babel.js 26]: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create

This message is completely useless/pointless when it comes to transpiled code, and to be honest, it's been always useless on Firefox consoles too 'cause developers setting or mutating a prototype 99% of the time have valid reasons to do so.

Am I missing yet another flag to ask GJS to kindly "shut-up" or any attempt to normalize Gir classes as JS will show these kind of warnings?

Thanks for any sort of explanation/hint about this.

Best Regards

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