Fair enough, a successful bof can end up a hackathon. :-)
It's interesting to see how JS support evolves in GNOME whatever happens at the bof.
Yes, sure! I'll post a summary to the list afterwards.
Depending on how many show up it might just be a few people hacking on whatever they care to hack on, in which case the minutes won't be too interesting. But I'll post something regardless.
On Sat, Aug 13, 2016, 17:12 Jeremiah Foster <jeremiah.foster@pelagicore.com > wrote:
On Saturday, August 13, 2016, <philip chimento gmail com> wrote:Hello _javascript_ list,I'm a bit late with the announcement, but I'm organizing a birds-of-a-feather session (BOF) at GUADEC this year, on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. If you're attending GUADEC in Karlsruhe and you're interested in GJS, please join in!I won't make it but the topics look good, will there be minutes taken?Informal sign up and topic proposal here:(Note that you need wiki edit privileges. If you don't, then just talk to me in one of the coffee breaks or send me an email)Best regards,Philip C
--Jeremiah C. FosterGENIVI COMMUNITY MANAGERPelagicore ABEkelundsgatan 4, 6tr, SE-411 18
Gothenburg, Sweden