Re: gjs / seed status


the rough consensus is that Seed is dead - or at least moribund - and that GJS "won" by default. GJS is also maintained enough, and tested enough, that is considered to be the de facto engine for JS in GNOME.

There are few modules still using Seed, but I think they should either be declared dead as well, or ported to GJS. There is no effort to make GJS work on _javascript_Core, nor there's any interest in such an effort, to the best of my knowledge.

There has been some movement in writing a V8/node.js port of the introspection API, but it's pretty much a toy, and given the fact that nose.js is tied to an unsupported, unmaintained, and fairly old version of V8, there are several hurdles to pass before a node.js introspection implementation is actually able to run in production.

tl;dr use GJS, ignore seed, and don't spend time thinking about porting GJS to JSC.


On Friday, 6 March 2015, Danilo Cesar <danilo eu gmail com> wrote:

A while ago there was a discussion regarding seed/gjs situation in gnome[1].
I still can see some places using seed, but most use gjs.

I'm wondering if there's still a movement to "merge" the js-engine
effort (or deprecate one of them). Or maybe if is there something done
in that matter since 2011?

I've been checking how tied gjs is to spidermonkey (it's really deep)
and if a move to JSC would be possible.
I did find a list [2] (far away from official status, but still...)
and I see that  spidermonkey is a bit ahead regarding ES6
compatibility. So I'm  wondering: despite the huge effort and assuming
it's possible: Is it  something that will help? Does the Gnome
community back this kind of move?



Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula

[1] -
[2] -
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