Finding JavaScript symbols from GObject Introspection bindings

Hello, everyone!

I have one specific question, and one question of a more general nature.

First, what are the JavaScript symbols I can use for selection in
<>? I'm using GJS and is trying 
to find the equivalent of GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD.

On a more general level, I would like to know how I can go about finding
out the names of these binding symbols generally. Is there perhaps some
way that I can inspect the GI files? Is there some documentation laying
around somewhere that I have failed to find?

If not, is there a way that we could produce such an API documentation
(perhaps annotated with the names of the functions in the underlying
language), so that people unfamiliar with the bindings could find what
they are looking for more easily?


Warm regards,

Jon Kristensen
0730 - 862 982

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