failing tests on cjs (based on gjs)


When I try to compile cjs, which is based on gjs , I see a failing test.

The test which is failing is this one : 

function testInvalidStrings() {
    // Not really related to locale handling - here we are testing
    // gjs_string_to_utf8() to properly catch things we'll choke
    // on later.

    // Unpaired surrogate
    assertRaises(function() { "\ud800".toLocaleLowerCase(); });
    // Embedded NUL
    assertRaises(function() { "\u0000".toLocaleLowerCase(); });
    // Byte-reversed BOM (an example of a non-character)
    assertRaises(function() { "\ufffe".toLocaleLowerCase(); });

One of the test gives a undefined where it must raise a error.

Can anyone help me figure out how I could make this test workable.

Unfortanly I have no knowlegde or experience in javascript so I could 
use your help. 



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