Re: Error on webkit

Em Seg, 2010-09-20 às 13:31 +0800, Alan Knowles escreveu:
> You could try
> let view = new WebKit.WebView({});
> I'm not sure about the error though, WebView should not really be a 'boxed' type.. 
> If you can get the seed Browser working then your GIR/typelibs should be fine.
> Regards
> Alan

Hi, Alan.

I forgot to mention, I've also tried seed:
var view = new WebKit.WebView ({});
print (view);
[object seed_struct] ("";);
TypeError Result of expression '' [undefined] is not a

I think there's something wrong here, because, If I create, say, a
Window, I get:

var win = new Gtk.Window({title: 'SFD Browser'});
print (win);
[object GtkWindow]

So, I should get an [object WebView], right?

Jonh Wendell

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