Gnome internship appllication

Do you confirm that you are eligible for this internship as stated in our eligibility rules at Answer "yes" or "no".

Do you confirm that you have read and agree with the internship contract linked at Answer "yes" or "no".
== Personal Information ==

If you are accepted, fields in this section that are marked "(public)" will be displayed on a public acceptances page. If you prefer different information to be displayed publicly than you want to provide in this form, please provide both a private version visible only to the coordinators and mentors of the internship, and a public version to be displayed publicly.

Name (public): C-Lion

Private: Esther Shira Stepansky

Preferred pronoun (e.g. she, he, they): she

E-mail address: esstepansky gmail com

Blog URL (public, required):  don’t have my own, working on it,  

IRC nick (public, optional): clion

Twitter URL (public, optional): @EstherShira

Website or Portfolio URL (optional):

GitHub, GitLab, or any other code repository URL (optional):

LinkedIn URL (optional):

Any other online presence URL you wish to provide:

Location (city, state/province, and country) Safed, Israel (public): Israel (just country)

Education completed or in progress (include university, major/concentration, degree level, and graduation year): BS in Computer Science, completed 4 courses of MS in CS at Georgia Tech.

How did you hear about this internship? Email list for women coders

== Project Information ==

What project are you interested in? USB Guard

Who is a possible mentor for the project you are interested in? Muelli

Please describe your experience with the GNOME community and GNOME projects as a user and as a contributor. Some experience with GNOME stack and some contributions to GNOME are required for considering the application. Include information and links to the contributions you made:

Please describe your experience with the project you are interested to participate as a user and as a contributor and relevant areas. Include information and links to the contributions you made:

I just found out about this project yesterday. We are in the middle of a religious holiday and I was instructed on IRC to apply now. and work on these contributions during the interview month.

Please describe your experience with any other FOSS projects as a user and as a contributor: I have contributed to contributed to code base and mentor new members on Slack channel. 1MWTT (

: community leader and mentor, mentoring others to find jobs in tech, mentor for Python nad basic _javascript_. and Free Code Camp as a mentor.

Please describe any relevant projects that you have worked on previously and what knowledge you gained from working on them (include links): I took Information Security course as part of master’s degree at Georgia Tech and learned about USB vulnerabilities. I took C and C++ programming courses and the Operating Systems course s part of my BS, so I think I have the basic knowledge needed to do this project.

Please describe the details and the timeline of the work you plan to accomplish on the project you are most interested in (discuss these first with the mentor of the project): I was not able to discuss this with the mentor I reached on IRC, but based on the project description:

  1. Oct 1 to Nov 1: install the software needed to contribute to the project, get to know the community and tools and make at least 3 contributions. Set up a blog, either on my portfolio or on site for documenting my internship experience.

  2. Nov1 1-Learn about how to create panels and submit initial ideas for implementing suggested panels.

  3. By Dec 1 Submit draft version of Panels and integration as described in

  4. By Feb 1 submit a working version of the implementation

  5. March 1, complete upgrades and corrections and documentation for added functionality.

Thank you for considering me for this internship. I am very aware of how USB can be used to install nearly anything today, as I used a USB installation of Linux to bypass the Windows operating system on my Lenovo PC to run Linux directly on the PC hardware to do my Info Sec assignments. I thought it was “cool” to be able to do that, but I also understand that the same functionality could be use as malware to do anything to a victim's’ computer and I would be honored to work on this project and give it everything I have.

I realize I found out about this internship very late in the application window and the next days until Oct 1 are religious holidays and I can not be online at all, so I would appreciate knowing if any extension for completing the required contributions is possible. I understand if this is not possible and thank you in advance for your time and consideration either way.


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