[HIG] Re: [Usability] Re: Decision: instant apply window buttons

mån 2002-01-21 klockan 19.14 skrev Gregory Merchan:
> > The expectation for a given dialog is that either (1) a close/done
> > button is present; (2) an 'exit' menu item is present (usually on the
> > "File" menu), or (3) the dialog is of the sort which might be left
> > onscreen through the lifetime of the application, such as a "style
> > palette" or the like.  The instant-apply dialogs we've been discussing
> > don't meet any of those three criteria.
> >
> <snip>
> These are (3), which are not dialogs. They might be left open for any length
> of time.

Will that be the typical scenario? Most preference windows are large and
will get in the way if I (as a sighted user) leave them open. I think
it's safe to assume that the typical scenario for a lot of users will be
"open, make changes, dismiss", just like before.

Also, and this is more important, does the classification of these
instant-apply windows as (3) solve the accessibility problems? I think
not, on the contrary.


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