[HIG] Use the XML file.

Ok, so the server can't handle the xml file; also, some people don't have
the tools either. A remedy will be available within 24 hrs.

In the meanwhile, use the XML file and remember some of the SGML->XML quirks.

 * All tags must be closed.
   If the tag has children it is:
      <tag> children . . . </tag>
   If the tag does not have children:
      <tag />

 * All property values must be quoted.
   Acceptable forms are:
      <tag property='value'> children . . . </tag>
      <tag property='value' />
      <tag property="value"> children . . . </tag>
      <tag property="value" />

Some of the tags are different between the two formats. Use the XML version.
I'm only writting the translation as XML->SGML.

You may also want to flame the person responsible for not putting up-to-date
tools on the servers, but I leave that to your discretion.

Greg Merchan

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