[HIG] More information about today's meeting

Here is how today's HIG meeting (2000 GMT/1PM PDT, irc.gnome.org #hig) is going to work.

1) Adam self-flagellates for not having checked in the usability principles section yet. I suck, sorry. Fortunately, I think this section can probably wait.

2) Once we get through that, we will go through the current document (again, posted at http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/index.html ) point-by-point, starting with the section on Menus & Toolbars. (We will _not_ be discussing the Introduction tomorrow.) The goal is to explicitly note which points in the HIG require further discussion, and which can be essentially set in stone as of tomorrow. The goal is not to resolve conflicts; any disagreement that can't be resolved in a minute or two *will* be tabled.

For each point, we will establish whether there is general agreement or disagreement. If there is disagreement, we will discuss *only* long enough to establish the parameters of the disagreement. I'm going to be rather aggressive about tabling discussions for the mailing list. Otherwise this meeting will go on for six hours (and I'd really like to keep it under two).

So please, please be prepared to note specific objections that you have to points, be prepared to suggest an alternative briefly, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be prepared to agree to disagree _for the moment_ on just about everything so that we can get through the entire document. Hopefully there will be things that we can resolve very quickly, but I expect that most things won't fall into that category, and it's more important to note them and get on to things that might.

If we get to an hour and we're less than halfway through, we may need to consider an alternative, but let's see how things go first...


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