Re: FUSE RW operations

Hello all

One year later this 4 year old bug is still lying around.
Although it is labeled as an Enhancement, I find it a more serious, as
it is lacking an important feature. Different programs that naively
expect the semantics offered by POSIX show a weird behavior (often
treating files as readonly), since they do not treat EOPNOTSUPP
specially to cater for this "partial FS".

You mention that GFileIOStream is not implemented by GVfs, but I don't
know why it isn't using GFileIOStream, or what is needed to reach there.
I understand that for protocols like FTP the restriction of "you can
only replace (STOR) or append (APPE)" make sense as they are imposed
from the layer below, but it is unfortunate that such as nfs or smb have
to suffer it needlessly to an incomplete middlelayer (?).

What would be needed? Is there a way to help/speed up the manpower
allocated for this bug?

Best regards

PS: the bug is now on gitlab:

On 2018-05-02 at 13:59 +0200, Ondrej Holy wrote:
Hi Abraham,

this is not supported by the fuse daemon currently. Yes, protocols
like SMB, NFS and other provides API for RW mode, however,
unfortunately, GFileIOStream is not implemented by GVfs yet. For other
protocols, which don't have such features, would be necessary to
provide some fallback based on temporary files. It would be really
nice to have, but GVfs lacks manpower. It is on my TODO long time
already... but patches are welcome :-)

See relevant bug report:



2018-04-30 14:29 GMT+02:00 Abraham Macias Paredes
<amacias gruposolutia com>:
        Hi everybody,
         when using Nautilus browser to mount a SMB unit I was
        surprised when I discovered that I couldn't open a file in
        "rw" mode. When I tried to open a file with "rw" mode an
        ENOTSUP error was returned.
        After checking the source code I arrived to gvfsfusedaemon.c
        "setup_output_stream" method where the following code only
        allows "rw" mode with O_TRUNC or O_APPEND:
              if (flags & O_TRUNC)
                  fh->stream = g_file_replace (file, NULL, FALSE, 0,
        NULL, &error);
                  fh->size = 0;
              else if (flags & O_APPEND)
                fh->stream = g_file_append_to (file, 0, NULL, &error);
                result = -ENOTSUP;
        I don't understand why it is not supported. I realize that in
        FTP backend it doesn't have any meaning, but SMB backend could
        support it since mounting a unit with "mount" command allows
        So, my questions are simple:
              * Why RW mode is not supported for SMB units?
              * Will it be supported in a future?
        Abraham Macías Pardes
        Analista/Programador Departamento de Desarollo y Soluciones
        amacias gruposolutia com  
        Edificio ZZJ / DTM
        C/ Camino de los Descubrimientos, 11
        41092 Sevilla
        T: +34 955 11 11 55
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Ondrej Holy
Software Engineer, Core Desktop Development
Red Hat Czech s.r.o

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