Fstab binds appear as mounts and system mounts are exposed in root nautilus


1) I am using nautilus-3.24, gvfs-1.32, glib-2.52.2. For dual boot purpose I keep all data in separate partition and use bind in fastab for Dociments, Pictures etc. Part of my /etc/fstab loooks like this:

# /dev/sdb
UUID=1e3dcee6-a93f-430b-9209-92443cbfacd /media/pcuser/data ext4 defaults 0 2
# Binds
/media/pcuser/data/Documents	/home/pcuser/Documents	none	bind,x-gvfs-hide	0 0
/media/pcuser/data/Downloads	/home/pcuser/Downloads	none	bind,x-gvfs-hide	0 0
/media/pcuser/data/Music	/home/pcuser/Music	none	bind,x-gvfs-hide	0 0

But even with x-gvfs-hide these are appearing in nautilus sidebar. I found this bug
which was filed against glib. (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=782814), but it
could also be a bug in gvfs.

Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/7a6CFE3.png

2) Second issue is more serious. I don't know if it is related to the first issue.

When opening nautilus as root, all sorts things like
pids, net_cls, lock appearing as mounts in nautilus sidebar. 

screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/bmeN4TF.png

If by mouse slip user click on unmount button
system can become unstable. This can also results in potential security exposure.
Not sure why these are getting exposed in nautilus.


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