Re: gvfsd-smb-browse caused high cpu use

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 01:15:55PM +0800, Hacksign wrote:
awesomewm + thunar + gvfs-smb-browser.
when thunar opened the 'save as' dialog(or any dialog like save
as),gvfs-smb-browser  causes high cup load.
And the high cpu only appear in the first time opened 'save as' like
dialog.This situation wont appear if I killed the process and open the 'save
as' dialog again .
anyone meet the same situation and solved it ?]

Below is the strace log when high cpu usage appears,it is stuck on

|[root XSign hacksign]# strace -p 22560 Process 22560 attached
restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted call ...>^CProcess 22560 detached
<detached ...>|

I haven't seen this before.  If you pass -f to strace, it will allow you
to trace all threads -- it is likely that some other thread is doing
something. Another approach if you're willing, is to reinstall gvfs with
debuginfo, attach to the process with gdb (e.g. gdb -p 22560) and then
run "thread apply all bt" a few times to get a snapshot of what is

Ross Lagerwall

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