Re: Mount some archive and do not show it in "devices" list

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 03:04:32PM +0200, Jehan Pagès wrote:
I see. Too bad, I hoped there would exist such an API in glib/gio
already. I would personally appreciate if gvfs' design could be
extended to be able to *also* handle non-user data. Without this, I
think the gvfs integration in gio lose quite a bit of interest. I
mean, it is still very awesome, but it leave this API limited to
create explicit mounting applications (like gvfs-mount), i.e.
file-oriented apps, not applications where browsing files is only a
mean to an end, not a goal (which are quite most of them!).

This isn't true.  For example, gedit, gimp, totem and many other
applications are not file-oriented but happily make use of gvfs mounts
through the GIO API (and allow mounting through the file chooser

Anyway, being able to hide a mount sounds like a reasonable feature, so
thanks for creating the bug.

Ross Lagerwall

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