Re: GVFS + LibreOffice + WebDAV

On Wed, 2012-12-05 at 11:27 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> Yes, gvfs doesn't really have any caching layer for files, although some
> of the backends do have caches for directory and file metadata (like the
> ftp backend). I've long wanted to implement a layer that implements
> writing to files locally and flushing on close, as well as one for
> reading where we start streaming to a local file as need but then read
> from the local copy, allowing things like seeks to work.
> There are some issues with these caches, for instance the fact that
> close() is extremely expensive and is the only place that report real
> i/o error is suprising to many apps, and will break things like progress
> dialogs. Or we could fake the upload making close fast, but that risks
> data loss due to undetected errors. 
> Also, there might be cases where you just want to stream an entire file
> and it doesn't make sense to have a local copy. Maybe we could add some
> flags that allow choosing what kind of behaviour you want.
> Anyway, these things would be nice, but nobody is working on it atm.

I'd be keen to sponsor such development (cost dependent). Anybody
interested in carrying out the required work?


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