Re: Fixing gvfs-backend-afc for iPhone/iPod Touch access

On Fri, 2009-07-31 at 12:59 -0400, David Zeuthen wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-07-31 at 11:43 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> > > If we introduce shadowing again and it is the right way (despite I don't
> > > get why the backend mount can't simply parent itself to the volume which
> > > issued the mount event), perhaps the GProxyShadowMount should inherit
> > > everything from the mount it shadows automatically?
> > 
> > Shadowing is only to be used when a device has multiple roots. The use
> > case was for an MTP devices which shows multiple heads - the internal
> > memory and the add-on memory card - on one root, but needs to have 2
> > mounts for things like image directory detection to work properly.
> > 
> > There's no use for shadow mounts in the AFC code.
> No, you need to shadow the mount to get the parenting right. Otherwise
> there will be no relationship between the GVolume and GMount objects.

David's right. I'm reverting my earlier patch (attached).

With this, the only problem is that the volume monitor doesn't set the
metadata properly for the mount. We'd need to do that because the mount
in the backend is shadowed anyway (ie. the metadata in the user
interface isn't the one from daemon/gvfsbackendafc.c file).

We can share code between the two, or try to do everything in the volume
monitor and pick up that metadata from the backend. I'll try to get
those done now, and will send you another patch.

BTW, you'll need to restart nautilus/gvfsd-computer/panel to see what
it's really supposed to be like.


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