Re: [guppi-list] Please help buiding guppi

On Fri, 23 Oct 1998 wrote:
> hi I want to use guppi por my voice recognition program for gnome

Hmm, I don't see how it will be useful for that, but cool... :-)

> checking for main in -lgnomemm... no  <--- From where does it come ? 

It's in the CVS version of Gtk-- which is required. You must build the CVS
version of gnome-libs *before* you configure gtk--, so that gtk-- detects
Gnome and builds Gnome--. If you've run configure in gtk-- already, you
need to remove 'config.cache'. To build gnome-libs, see the instructions
on and ask for help on if necessary.

> checking for main in -lgoose... no  <--- Why, I have allready installed it

Look in config.log from Guppi, it should have an error message explaining
why Goose wasn't found. If you want, mail me a copy of config.log and I
will have a look. 

> gnome--.h: No such file or directory

More manifestation of not having Gnome-- installed.

Send any further problems to the list. Sorry for the slow reply, I am out
of town. Good luck!

BTW, Mark Galassi has built Guppi, so it is possible. ;-)


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