gdate library


Of interest to Goose and Guppi hackers: 

I've just imported the 'gdate' module into CVS. This is a date
calculations library Jon and I have been working on, which should allow us
to add a Date type to Goose and thus to Guppi.

Before merging into Goose, we need it to work on Win32. glib (which it
depends on) should already work with Win32. Basically this means we need a
few #ifdef NATIVE_WIN32 and then do the appropriate thing - the potential
problems are localtime(), strftime(), and struct tm, I don't know if
Windows has these or how they behave. strftime() is supposedly ANSI C, but
localtime() is not. 

To avoid making Goose depend on glib, we will probably ship the gdate
stuff and replacements for all the glib typedefs with Goose, then include
a C++ wrapper around gdate with Goose. configure can check for glib and 
use it only if it exists. The library is under 10K in size so it is 
not a big deal to just compile it in to Goose instead of using shared

Feedback welcomed!


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