Re: GUPNP/GSSDP properties

On Di, 2012-04-03 at 15:18 +0200, Ludovic Ferrandis wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to talk about 1 new feature and 1 property about "Network Manager".
> As we already discuss earlier on IRC, Network Manager Context Manager is still present because it will be able to manage "Network Zone" (like on Windows, networks are tagged "Public, "Private", ...).
> This feature will be available soon for Network Manager (not Connman unfortunately).
> Have you already designed how to integrate this feature in gupnp/gssdp?
> Simply a new property and the application will manage it itself or there will be intelligence in gupnp/gssdp?
> I have a similar question about "network type" (aka, cable, wifi, cellular,).
> I think this information is very useful for applications, especially for Mobile Handled Device. Maybe we don't want a M-DMP or M-DMS to register on a cellular connexion, only on a cable or wifi one.
> Do you think we can add this information in gupnp/gssdp?
> Regards

My take to this would be: Keep it simple inside the library, just add
two properties that tell you which zone you're in and which device type
the client/context is created on. The Application can then chose to
ignore it (like Rygel does it currently with e.g. SSID's).

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