AW: AW: Question regarding GUPnP and VPN

Hi Jens,

actually there is no M-SEARCH at all. We see the IGMP join to the multicast group on both sides (seen in Wireshark) and the server sends the NOTIFY message which gets received by the client interface (seen in Wireshark). But no M-SEARCH at all.

We expected that the TAP interfaces are handled the same way as any other network device.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jens Georg [mailto:mail jensge org] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011 13:42
An: Alexander Kirschner
Cc: gupnp-list gnome org
Betreff: Re: AW: Question regarding GUPnP and VPN

On Fr, 2011-10-21 at 12:38 +0200, Alexander Kirschner wrote:

> @ Jens: Thanks for the information, right now we are not so sure whether or not a TAP interface is considered as being point-to-point. As I already wrote in my last email the SSDP-notifies actually are transmitted over the VPN-connection, but there are no M-searches. If you have any further idea on that matter please let us know.

I don't think it's PTP. With the linux-cm tap0 is considered a valid
device, I used it to debug network interfaces going up and down. 

Are M-SEARCH replies or the discovery requests missing?

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