GUADEC Public Registration is Open!

Hey All

We're happy to announce the opening of public registration for GUADEC 2010 - go tell your friends!
Here is the registration site:

I would appreciate if you could circulate this news around, maybe re-post to your local Linux mailing lists, link to it on your blog or follow us on twitter/

Thanks, and see you all in July!

GUADEC comms team

Read the full announcement below.

GUADEC 2010 Registration Opens for Participants

May 11, 2010: Public registration has officially opened for the 2010 GNOME GUADEC conference. Organisers of GUADEC - the GNOME Users And Developers European Conference - anticipate a wide range of speakers and participants to once again make this conference a highly informative and community-building event. The secure registration and payment site can be found at:

GUADEC 2010 will be hosted in The Hague, The Netherlands, from July 26 - 30. Now in its 11th year, GUADEC is one of the largest annual meetings of open source software developers, GNOME foundation leaders, individuals, governments and businesses from around the world. Speakers include leading names from the GNOME, UNIX, Linux and Open Source software communities.

The GUADEC coordination team is excited to start accepting registrations. "We're still dotting i's on the conference programme," said Koen Martens, GAUDEC 2010 managing coordinator, "but we're happy to have the attendee section of the site up and running. Opening registration is a big mile-stone for us.” As registrations begin, monitoring of the number of participants will allow organisors to properly gauge the size and scope of the conference to better predict venue, network and catering needs.

Registration pricing will be set at four different levels. Everyone interested in attending GUADEC 2010 is encouraged to sign-up on the level they are most comfortable with.
 - Professional Level: €250, includes a free t-shirt and access to a professionals' reception.
 - Normal Level: €100, includes a free t-shirt.
 - GNOME Foundation Member Level: €75, includes a free t-shirt. (For more information on becoming a GNOME foundation member, please see this site. (
 - Hobbyist/Student Level: No fee.

The revenues raised will be used to fund travel grants for those contributors from the global community who might otherwise have not been able to attend due to financial reasons.

Two pre-conference events are also scheduled to take place:
 - The first is a two-day GNU Hackers' Meeting (GHM) ( of GNU maintainers and contributors, to be held on July 24 - 25. The event is being coordinated by the GNU, and registration will be announced on the GHM newsfeed.

 - The second is the official pre-conference GNOME Open Desktop Day on July 26, a meeting of interested parties and stakeholders discussing collaboration between government institutions, software communities and business. Strategies and background of successful and up-and-coming European projects will be used as examples. Registration for this event is possible from the GUADEC registration page.

Composed of hundreds of volunteer developers and industry-leading companies, the GNOME Foundation is an organization committed to supporting the advancement of GNOME. The foundation is a member directed, non-profit organisation that provides financial, organisational and legal support to the GNOME project and helps determine its vision and roadmap.

The GNOME desktop is used by millions of people around the world. GNOME is a standard part of all leading GNU/Linux and Unix distributions, and is popular with both large existing corporate deployments and millions of small business and home users worldwide.

More information about GUADEC, GNOME and the GNOME Foundation can be found at, and

Contact GUADEC or follow developments on and twitter.

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