[guadec-local] Code of conduct GUADEC 2015


(If you are wondering why on earth you got this mail, I probably found
you because you were on the guadec code of conduct support team
previous year)

There are some outstanding issues regerding the Code of Conduct.

1) Contact people
  Two main contact people to be included on in the code of conduct page.
   At least one of them should be local. I can volunteer to be one of them.
   Could anyone else step up to be the second one? I imagine it might
be preferable if
   it is someone who identifies as female.

2) Code of conduct support team
   People from among the conference organizers and GNOME community
form the code of
   conduct support team. Please contact them for help and to report
any incidents.

   Last year these people were:
   Marina Zhurakhinskaya
   Karen Sandler
   Emmanuele Bassi
   Matthew Garrett
   Andrea Veri
   Jeff Fortin
   Alexandre Franke

   I feel that people from the board would make nice candidates for this.
   Any volunteers / suggestions?

3) Putting the CoC on the guadec site.
    Once we get people for the above we need to put the CoC up on the
guadec2015 site, right?
    And tweet / mail out information about it s avaiability.

    There is a wiki atm, with a broken link:

     It is missing the entries for support team, and the link to the
CoC currently points to:
     https://2015.guadec.org/conduct/index.html which is non-existing.

4) Introduction for volunteers

   I would like to inform the volunteers at site about the CoC and how
to enforce / who to contact
   if there is an incident. Would anyone want to do that together with me?

Below is the current version of the 2015 GUADEC Code of Conduct
Thanks, love


Code of Conduct

Short version

GUADEC is dedicated to a safe and friendly conference experience for
everyone. Please be considerate of other people in your actions at all
conference events. Please report any concerns to one of the contact
people below.

Longer version

GUADEC is a welcoming and friendly event, during which GNOME
contributors often make friends and resolve to come to the next

GUADEC is dedicated to providing a safe and friendly conference
experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of
conference participants in any form. Harassment includes offensive
verbal comments related to any of the above qualities, deliberate
intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording,
sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical
contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference
venue, including talks. Sexist, racist, or other exclusionary comments
or jokes are not appropriate for GUADEC. Such content and remarks can
be harassing to participants by making them feel excluded by other

Participants asked to stop any harassing or inappropriate behavior are
expected to comply immediately.

Exhibitors in the sponsor exhibit space are also subject to the code of conduct.

We expect participants to follow these rules at all conference venues
and conference-related social events.

The enforcement policy of this Code of Conduct can be found at:

* Jonas Danielsson +46702293350 jonas at NO SPAM threetimestwo DOT org
* Code of conduct support team

Other useful numbers/links:
Emergency number for police, fire department, or ambulance: 112
Tourism office: http://www.goteborg.com/en/

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