Re: [guadec-local] [Fwd: RE: Congreskaart]

On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 11:24:43AM +0200, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:
> I've got some information regarding public transport tickets. The city's
> public transport company (HTM) offers special congress passes valid for
> three or five days (night buses excluded). The former costs €14, the
> latter €17,20. This is a pretty good deal for tickets that you can use
> all day to travel around town.
> The three-day pass would probably suffice for most visitors, except for
> those who attend the pre-conference as well as the main conference, who
> would be better off with the five-day pass. 
> It seems to me that we should sell these cards at cost price at the
> registration desk, maybe provide a free one to people who paid the
> business tariff. I'm wondering how many we should pre-order, given that
> the HTM takes back max. 20% of non-sold tickets.

Providing a free one would, at this point, not be very wise unless you 
happen to have a big bag of money idling somewhere that you'd like
to contribute :)

We could also add an option in the registration site for buying one of 
these cards. Then we order 20% extra once registration closes, and can
offer this riskless..

> Is geldig als 3 dagenkaart waarbij de stempeldatum geldt als eerste dag.
> Kaarten zijn geldig op alle lijnen van HTM en Veolia op de volgende
> zones 5400 Den Haag Centrum, 5410 Scheveningen, 5413
> Leidschendam/Voorburg, 5416 Rijswijk, 5419 Den Haag Zuid-West. Stempelen
> bij aanvang van zowel de heen- als de terugreis. Overstappen is
> toegestaan tot 1 uur na stempeldatum en stempeltijd. Kaarten zijn niet
> geldig in de Nachtbussen. Kosten zijn € 14,00.

Vague story btw.. Valid as 3 day card starting on the day of first stamp,
stamp on to and from journey ? Transfers allowed within 1 hour after
stamping?? I'm very confused as how this works now :)



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