[guadec-local] GUADEC Stuff

Hi All;

I just arrived to Vilanova yesterday with a little hassle but it was
still an alright trip. I really enjoyed Vilanova, and I'm pretty sure
all GUADEC participants will share same feelings. 

So I will be at GUADEC Office full time, till Friday I hope, and if
someone needs help, I'm just here. (Unfortunately I don't know Spanish
or Catalan :<) 

Currently I'm preparing a FAQ page for GUADEC.org, which is aimed to
answer most typical questions that GUADEC participants would ask. I
would need some local help for this. 

Also I thought it would be a better idea to put a page with pictures
that would describe how people can arrive to Vilanova. I wish I had a
camera and tool pictures during my way here but I couldn't. So I wonder
if is there anyone who is willing to take pictures from Barcelona
Airport Arrivals door to Train Station? It seems like we don't have much
people arriving from REUS but it would be even better if we got pictures
from there as well. I think we can manage to get pictures in Vilanova,
but Barcelona side needs volunteer. 

Something else is to prepare a list of common phrases in Catalan or
Spanish that participants would need. Maybe there are some ready tourist
information pages on the Internet, but with some local help, we can
prepare one easily. Common phrases is like 'How can I go to ...', 'Where
is the ...', Or even 'Can I order ...', some regular words like numbers
and pronunciations of common places for help people to ask places and
won't get weird looks from local people.   

If anyone give a hand, we can prepare those pages easily, and quickly.
As we don't have much time, we better start them as soon as possible. 

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