[guadec-list] Meeting minutes 2019-06-03


= Meeting minutes 2019-06-03 10:00 UTC =

== Attending ==

 * Kat
 * Kristi
 * Vivia
 * Stathis
 * Tom

== Old action items ==

 * '''ACTION:''' Kristi working on ideas for things to do in Thessaloniki (based on bid document) - Done
 * '''ACTION:''' Tom/Kat need to ensure that additional fields are in openevent - av can help us out, Tom to 
coordinate with av
 * '''ACTION:''' Tom/Kat to discuss alternatives for openevent as custom fields can't be added - no updates
 * '''ACTION:''' Kat and Caroline to work together on the badge design - Pending on a rough event outline
 * '''ACTION:''' Stathis to check about accommodation for Keynote speaker (where he'd like to stay, at a 
hotel or with everyone else) - prefers hotel - Stathis to confirm booking and share details with the speaker
 * '''ACTION:''' Stathis, Vivia: University contract - no update, Vivia followed up,  will call/talk to a 
 * '''ACTION:''' Kat and Britt put together a plan for a photo policy and implementation of it - no update 
(no Britt in call)
 * '''ACTION:''' Kat follow up on privacy concerns over public speaker list on openevent - no updates
 * '''ACTION:''' Sponsorship: Kristi to talk to Molly. Either Molly will attend calls or send emails to the 
private guadec-organization list - Kristi will follow up with Molly
 * '''ACTION:''' Sebastian to publish old minutes on https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2019 and send emails - no 
updates, will pick up in the next dates
 * '''ACTION:''' Sebastian to get Kat photos of the auditorium/rooms for the photo policy (This may help - 
https://www.flickr.com/photos/128617711@N04/albums /72157648544597423 Tom) - no updates
 * '''ACTION:''' Kristi to talk to Neil about the potential keynote and update the team, also will reply to 
the person - no reply from Neil
 * '''ACTION:''' Kat to follow up with Meg about members of the papers team - no update
 * '''ACTION:''' Kristi to send Sebastian Molly's email address - done
 * '''ACTION:''' Kristi to follow up regarding sponsored dinners - in progress
 * '''ACTION:''' Kat to reach out about workshop ideas (Sebastian to do the GStreamer one) - Newcomer, 
Flatpack, Design, GitLab integration, XR design, Docs - in progress, XR and GStreamer confirmed
 * '''ACTION:''' Kristi will ask the university to email guadec-organization instead of emailing her directly 
- no update

== Agenda ==

 * Last week's action items
 * University to sponsor lanyards
 * Day trips and visiting Thessaloniki
 * New talk proposal submissions
 * Next meeting

== Minutes ==

 * University to sponsor lanyards
  * University have a sponsor who would like to pay for lanyards
  * Need to discuss with Molly because of the disparity in the cost of sponsorship vs. exposure compared to 
other sponsors
  * '''ACTION:''' Stathis to ask the University exactly what the sponsor (and who they are) wants printed on 
the lanyards

 * Day trips and visiting Thessaloniki
  * Email sent to guadec-organization, 
  * Someone local will help with suggestions for vegan and vegetarian options
  * €100 is too expensive for maany attendees, but the cheaper options look great
  * Maybe look at a beach trip with free stuff to do around a location (like a beach bar)
  * '''ACTION:''' Kristi to send an email to university with our feedback on day trips

 * New talk proposal submissions
  * Not possible, paper submissions closed

 * Accommodation
  * '''ACTION:''' Stathis will visit the hostel tomorrow to figure out what's happening

 * Website
  * '''ACTION:''' Kat to send an email asking for help with  updating and putting information on there

 * Design
  * We need to start thinking about signage, banners, etc.

 * Next meeting
  * Add "Diversity and inclusion activities" to the agenda
  * '''ACTION:''' Kristi will send out poll today

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