[guadec-list] Tonights GUADEC Meeting Canceled 3/1-2019 and moved to later in January

Tonights GUADEC planning Meeting is cancelled and moved forward to some other day in January 2019::

20:28 -!- Irssi: Join to #guadec-org was synced in 23 secs
20:34 < vivia> kittykat: is it still happening despite there being nothing much
               to discuss?
20:37 < kittykat[m]> Let's skip it?
20:41 < vivia> agreed
20:59 < bittin> kittykat[m]: any new date coming up later, or canceled for now?
20:59 < bittin> Continues to watch Magfest 2019 Demoparty then:
21:07 < kittykat[m]> Maybe next week or the one after, depending on updates
21:08 < kittykat[m]> Could someone send an email saying that the meeting is

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