[guadec-list] GUADEC report week 26

Hi all

This is my weekly summary of what I did with regards to GUADEC
organizing. There are less than 4 weeks left until the conference!

* Conference call on Monday; minutes are here:

* Accommodation:
  - Worked with travel committee to finalize hotel booking for
    Thursday night where we don't have enough capacity at the Uni
  - Filled out room allocations form for the University.
  - Reallocated rooms now that sponsored ones are finalized. We
    have 14 rooms left to sell with registration now.

* Board meetings:
  - Paid MADLab invoice and mailed board-list for more details

* Merchandise:
  - Ordered 200 GNOME/PIA water bottles from allbranded.co.uk (£944)
  - Looked at whether we can use existing Codethink lanyards; we'd
    need to buy pouches though so should maybe still get our own.
  - Chased PIA gift bag items

* Press:
  - Chat with Agustin, who in particular is inviting Joey Sneddon
    (OMG!Ubuntu) and Jonathan Corbet (LWN)

* Promo:
  - Tried to add GUADEC to lanyrd.com, but it seems to be impossible
  - Added GUADEC to eventbrite.com, which might be useful:
  - Looked at linux.com event listings, but of course it's Linux
    Foundation only

* Schedule:
  - Some additions, one cancellation
  - Added "Venue closing" time to each day, as otherwise you can't see
    when the last talks finish

* Unconference:
  - The BoF signup is now live, courtesy of Allan:

* Videos:
  - Established more info about the GNOME Foundation cameras
  - Discussed audio recording with the Uni, researched storage
    requirements, updated https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2017/Video
  - Asked to reschedule practice recording session for Wednesday,
    to avoid having to post one of the cameras around

* Visas:
  - 4 invite letters this week

We're meeting tonight at 18:00 BST, the proposed agenda is here:


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