Re: [guadec-list] Next IRC Meeting

On 2 May 2013 10:01, Rui Tiago Cação Matos <tiagomatos gmail com> wrote:
On 2 May 2013 10:08, Florian Nadge <fnadge gmail com> wrote:
> Next meeting will be on:
> Tuesday May 7,
> 4 p.m.

The date is fine but can we do it at 5pm instead? Emmanuele is
currently in the US west coast and would like to be fully awake to
participate as I understand.

Which time zone? The later the meeting, the better for me, and…

On 2 May 2013 09:08, Florian Nadge <fnadge gmail com> wrote:
As topics I would suggest:

- updates on local sponsors (fnadge, update from robert)
- updates on social events (vbenes)
- keynotes (open discussion)

I would like to add one more item to that: the travel committee would appreciate if the accommodation arrangements were communicated to them. Given that I've just been roped into joining the travel committee, I can do that, but I need the details first.

The other item I would like to see discussed is publishing the dates for when talks will be accepted/rejected by, when submissions for lightning talks and BoFs open and close. It's now starting to get to the time when people want to book their travel, so these would be quite useful to know.

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