Re: [guadec-list] "I'm going to GUADEC" badge


A top priority before then is to have an ad which we can send to magazines and online news sites.
Media sponsors will need a poster/ad in mid March for their May edition, 
and typically May, June & July are the months we want ads in.
News sites can put up a banner ad any time, but again, between April and 
June is when most people plan their travel, so doing a banner ad at the 
same time as we do the print ad makes sense.
Of course, it would be nice to have some big name keynotes to put in the 
poster ;) but we can certainly add those for later editions if we don't 
have them when going to press first.
The "Going to GUADEC" badges can/should come later I think.

What do you think?


On 02/07/2012 09:17 PM, William from Texas wrote:
Hey Everyone

I just remembered that in the past years, when we opened registration,
we also had 'I'm going to GUADEC!" blog badges.

Should we ask a designer to mock something up?

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Dave Neary
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