[guadec-list] Keynote suggestions


I just realised I wasn't on this list & resubscribed :}

I saw the suggestions of Simon Phipps & Evan from StatusNet and they're
both good! Simon keynoted GUADEC Villanova, but perhaps he's learned
some new stuff since then...

Evan is a little close to our only confirmed (and yet unannounced)
keynote, Danny O'Brien, in subject matter for my taste, but he's a great
speaker & the cross-over between web & desktop is bound to be a big
theme in the conference this year.

To answer Reinout's question: "How is the list of keynote speakers
coming along?", my answer is: the list is great, but we don't have
anyone co-ordinating keynote invitations right now, so we have only
invited one speaker so far. A second invitation is in the workings.

I have been pushing on guadec-planning to have someone take control of
keynotes (I don't have time this year, really, even though I'm happy to
invite anyone I have a contact for if the co-ordinator decides that we
want them).

The problem is that we have lots of ideas, and we need someone to say
"OK, this week we invite X, Y and Z, and then hassle them for a reply,
and when they say no, we'll invite A, B and C". Right now we just have a
big fat keynote wishlist.

Here's the synthesis of the list of suggestions I sent to
guadec-planning a week or so back:

* Ton Roosendaal from Blender
* the guy who designed the special edition Dutch coins
* Theo Jansen and his kinetic sculptures
* Neelie Kroes (EU competition commissioner)...


Data & visualisation:
* Hans Riesling, gapminder: http://www.gapminder.org/
* Scott McCloud


* Alan Cooper (Author: "The Inmates are Running the Asylum") -
* Philippe Starck (no chance, but why not ask?)
* James Dyson
* Lisa Strausfeld http://pentagram.com/en/partners/lisa-strausfeld.php
* Linda Stone
* Diego Rodriguez (IDEO & http://metacool.typepad.com/metacool/)


* Eben Moglen
* Lawrence Lessig
* Pamela Jones (Groklaw fame, fallback for Lessig?)

Famous geek:

* Don Marti
* Alan Kay
* Dan Ingalls
* Tim Berners Lee
* Guido van Rossum (Python for the desktop)
* John Carmack  (linux desktop as a gaming platform)
* James Gosling (Java and the free desktop, java GPL, GTK L/F)
* Ken Thompson
* Dennis Ritchie
* Brian Kernighan

Business of software/famous geek:

* Scott Berkun - http://www.scottberkun.com/
* Joel Spolsky - http://www.joelonsoftware.com/
* Eric Sink - http://www.ericsink.com/ (previously accepted & had to cancel)
* Jonathan Schwarz
* Steven O'Grady
* Mark Shuttleworth (Ubuntu or linux desktop 3rd world)
* Miguel de Icaza (Mono?)
* Jim Zemlin
* Tim O'Reilly
* Jim Whitehurst
* Michael Tiemann
* Nat Friedman
* Matt Asay

Famous people (Business/web/marketing):

* Seth Godin - http://sethgodin.typepad.com/
* Guy Kawasaki - http://www.guykawasaki.com/
* Chris Messina
* Hugh McCleod
* Merlin Mann (The guy from 43Folders)

I'm not sure where these fit in...:

* JP Rangaswami
* Richard Taylor - GNOME at Weta Digital (no idea if that is a fact)
* Ben Hammersley
* Jyri Engeström


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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