[guadec-list] Tell us how we can help

Now that guadec dates are announced & fixed, let's plan to avoid some of the things that are on the hate list at http://live.gnome.org/GUADEC/2007/Feedback_%28GHOP%29
Most of items on the list are out of control if you are not in the local organization team.
But for things like
- Schedules
- Social activities
we can give a hand online.

We should also organize the program committee to the call for papers, selection criteria, volunteers, sponsorship forms (the sooner it is clear, the sooner people can reserve costly things like tickets and the cheaper it will be), invitations, visa issues (it seems that is is easier to get a Visa for Asians than Europeans & Americans. So it's better to apply sooner).

I already talked to Baris and am volunteer to help. Can somebody just organize the tasks and assign defined tasks to each of the volunteers?

Cheers to Guardec 08!,

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