Yesterday I bought a couple of cheap mobile phones for GUADEC. They won't be "Quim's phone" or "Ludovic's phone" etc but mercenary phones for the ones in charge at that moment. Ideally one should be able to understand some lovely English variants and the other one be able to deal with the local languages. I've just sent an email to guadec-local asking for someone to check the rest of phone numbers. I've got them from the WWW. GUADEC GUADEC Hotline [English] 646 382 654 GUADEC Hotline [Spanish, Catalan] 696 737 721 UPC: 938 967 701 Museu Víctor Balaguer: 938 154 202 Museu del Ferrocarril: 938 158 491 Vilanova Park: 938 933 402 General Taxi: 938 933 241 / 933 222 222 / 609 384 437 Vilanova Tourist Office: 938 154 517 Vilanova Local Police: 938 106 666 Emergencies: 112 Yellow Pages: 11888 International code for Spain: +34 -- Quim Gil /// |
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