"""Funny""" that I forget 7. GUADEC.ORG while we miss our header image and several sponsors logos in the homepage due to a technical-human problem. We want the website work, we want the homepage update, we want this and we want that. We have been so little hands in the last weeks/months (since tavon vanished, basically). Hopefully this won't be a problem during the conference days seems most sysadmins will be at reach in Vilanova, if needed. But anyway, we need to be always concerned about the website responding to our needs during these days. El dt 13 de 06 del 2006 a les 01:37 +0200, en/na Quim Gil va escriure: > Hi there, here is a report on how (I think) things are going. -- Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org
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