Re: [guadec-list] Fwd: [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Key

It would be cool to have a keynote about desktop metaphores. Beryl etc
are cool but they are more about new effects rather than new concepts.
(Do we need new concepts? Is the current metaphore insufficient?)

I don't know names though. Who is the creative brain behind OLPC's
Sugar? Is Mirco a candidate for a keynote? Should we invite those guys
experimenting with multipoint desktops?

2006/12/22, Alex Latchford <alex yawnster com>:
Hello guys,

I got a request via Dean Sas on the British Ubuntu Mailing list for
proposed speakers for GUADEC07..

Well I think that a talk and a demo of Gnome's (Metacity's) Compositing
features, (more planned for 2.18 I believe?) Would be very interesting
Quim Gil ///

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