[guadec-list] Guadec Meeting Notes - 2nd December 2006

Paul Cooper, Bastien Nocera and I met in Birmingham on the 2nd December to visit the venue for GUADEC 2007 and to discuss a few ideas. The venue was unfortunately in use for the weekend, so we were unable to see inside, but we surveyed the surrounding area and found a good selection of shops, eateries and other facilities close by.

The following are my notes from our meeting. Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestions.

Guadec Meeting Notes - 2nd December 2006


What direction are we going to set?

Collaboration with different communities, such as:
* Groupware
* Multimedia
* Mobile/embedded
* Kernel
* Cross desktop (freedesktop.org)

Expand gnome outreach, including new volunteers and outside projects.

Include any projects/organisations with an interest in the free


* 5 keynotes
* 1 per day, mon-fri?
* 1 Tuesday morning, 1 Thursday afternoon?

Some keynotes about gnome, some outside of gnome sphere


* 9am open
* First talks at 10, finish by 5
* 5 slots + keynote
* 2pm for keynotes

Core days: tues-thurs
Monday: hacking/bofs?
Friday: gnome love day - include workshops and tutorials.

Advertise "now & next" on screens if possible

Definitely include lightning talks at some point (in core days?)


End of December:
* List of keynote speakers to invite
* Draft schedule done

* Keynote invites sent out
* Call for papers announced
* Set up papers committee

* Finalise keynote list by start of February
* Deadline for papers

* Final list of accepted papers by end of march


- to look into whether creating a LTD is a good idea
- continue looking into accom. arrangements
- will be main contact for companies etc
- send bastien brochure updates
- internet access

- Finish of Brochure
- Finalise pricing of sponsorship
- Look up local information (travel, what's on) for website


- Find out more info from board about sponsorship
- Collect list of keynote speakers
- Organise draft schedule
- Get the guadec.org going properly

- Suggest possible sponsors outside the Advisory Board
- Suggest keynote speakers

Next meeting at end of January.

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