[guadec-list] Re: murrayc bio & photo needed for GUADEC journal

Our speakers have sent various pictures in different sizes. Since Ludovic will work on the edition with scribus, maybe we shall ask his idea too.

Ludovic: are the pictures you have OK? or do we need to ask everyone to send pictures with a special quality?

On 4/28/06, Dave Neary < dneary free fr> wrote:

Claus Schwarm wrote:
> "rasterization effect" (sorry, I'm not sure about the English word).

That's it. Pixellation works too, I think.

> This may happen with small images optimised for web usage (72dpi).

With pngs, this is fine usually - you get a little pixellation, but
nothing too dramatic. But with low(res jpegs, your photos look rotten in
print because of the effect that you get with DCT.


David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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