[Fwd: Re: [guadec-list] Registration + accommodation sprint]

Fent un cop d'ull a la llista de gent allotjada a la GNOME Village es
veu una patent absència de locals. No sé si és per la típica cosa de
deixar-ho per l'endemà o perquè en realitat al gent pensa anar i ornar
des de casa tots els dies. 

En qualsevol cas penso que la GUADEC no serà el mateix per als que no
estiguin visquent-la també de nit a la GNOME Village. Penseu en la
utilitat que això pot tenir per a les vostres organitzacions: un
bungalow guifi.net, un bungalow Softcatalpà, un bungalow Torna't Mico...
això fa caliu i tal i qual.

El GUADEC Committee té una mica de pressupost destinat a l'allotjament
de voluntaris que tinguin responsabilitats assignades durant la GUADEC.
Per a dir un exemple concret, en Gil Forcada potser no ho sap però si
vol llit a la GNOME Village les 8 nits només ho ha de dir.

I qui vulgui fer un cop de mà en l'organització de la GUADEC ho pot
sol·licitar també. Però quan abans millor. Dijous tinc trobada amb
Vilanova Park i voldria deixar el tema aquest tan tancat com sigui
possible. Enviar un correu no costa res, i a nosaltres coma declaració
d'intencions ens és molt útil per a fer càlculs. 

Us adjunto un correo amb xifres, fets i previsions sobre la GNOME

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org
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On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 16:46 +0200, Quim Gil wrote:
> GUADEC 2006 has currently 136 participants registered - GNOME Village
> has currently 29 bungalows booked - guadec.org has 377 registered users

This morning when we have closed the group reservation we were 205
GUADEC participants registered - 44 bungalows in the GNOME Village and
407 users identified at guadec.org. More at http://guadec.org/node/358

Well, 2 months before starting the event all this sounds good. 

WARNING: I'm always too optimist doing calculations. But I think that we
can reach the 300 people once we get some core companies registering
their participants plus our GUADEC Comittee to cover volunteers, press,
keynote speakers and so on. 

We still need to figure out how many bungalows and which types should be
reserve as GUADEC Committee. My nose tells me that even when many
sponsored participants and some staff members have booked accommodation
we still need to keep the 60 beds reservation, or more exactly 15
bungalows thinking that some profiles like keynote speakers and press
are not going to share 4 in a bungalow. I'll try to negotiate a soft
reservation for those 15, allowing to drop some i.e. before June 1st.

Next Thursday I'm meeting the Vilanova Parkers to define exactly the
GNOME Village on the map. Then we will leave some weeks for people to
self-organize. After that we will allocate the people remaining.

People can still book bungalows contacting directly Vilanova Park. This
is clear for groups booking whole bungalows. It's not clear for
individuals, although we are going to negotiate with them to open
accommodation to bungalows counting 4 people per bungalow and assuring
them to cover the costs of possible empty beds in a bungalow.

It is very probable that I'm missing details. If you see something
unclear do not hesitate to ask.

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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